Package: statnet.common 4.10.0-442

Pavel N. Krivitsky

statnet.common: Common R Scripts and Utilities Used by the Statnet Project Software

Non-statistical utilities used by the software developed by the Statnet Project. They may also be of use to others.

Authors:Pavel N. Krivitsky [aut, cre], Skye Bender-deMoll [ctb], Chad Klumb [ctb]

statnet.common.pdf |statnet.common.html
statnet.common/json (API)

# Install 'statnet.common' in R:
install.packages('statnet.common', repos = c('', ''))

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102 exports 8 stars 7.98 score 3 dependencies 143 dependents 66 mentions 171 scripts 17.3k downloads

Last updated 3 months agofrom:4e8cb543fc. Checks:OK: 1 NOTE: 8. Indexed: yes.

Doc / VignettesOKSep 06 2024
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Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Test if all items in a vector or a list are identical.all_identical
Convert to a control as.control.list.control.list as.control.list.list
A wrapper for base::attr which defaults to exact matching.attr
Ensure that the class of the control list is one of those that can be used by the calling functioncheck.control.class
A generic function to compress a row-weighted tablecompress_rows decompress_rows
"Compress" a data decompress_rows.compressed_rows_df
Named element accessor for ergm control lists$.control.list control.list.accessor
Overwrite control parameters of one configuration with another.control.remap
Set 'options()' according to a named list, skipping those already set.default_options
Truncate values of high magnitude in a vector.deInf
Utilities to help with deprecating functions..Deprecate_method .Deprecate_once deprecation-utilities
A one-line function to strip whitespace from its argument.despace
Identify and the differences between two control lists.diff.control.list print.diff.control.list
Replace an object's environment with a simple, static environment.base_env empty_env
Return the first argument passed (out of any number) that is not a 'try-error' (result of 'try' encountering an error.ERRVL
Format a p-value in fixed notation.fixed.pval
Evaluate an R expression with a hard time limit by forking a processforkTimeout
Functions for Querying, Validating and Extracting from Formulasappend.rhs.formula append_rhs.formula eval_lhs.formula filter_rhs.formula formula.utilities list_rhs.formula nonsimp.update.formula nonsimp_update.formula term.list.formula
Handle standard control.*() function semantics.handle.controls
Test if the object is a matrix that is symmetric and positive definiteis.SPD
Locate a function with a given name and return it and its environment.locate_function locate_prefixed_function
Utilities for performing calculations on logarithmic scale.logspace.utils log_mean_exp log_sum_exp lweighted.cov lweighted.mean lweighted.var
Utility operations for 'mcmc.list' objectscolMeans.mcmc.list lapply.mcmc.list mcmc-utilities sweep.mcmc.list var.mcmc.list
'print' objects to the 'message' output.message_print
Convenience functions for handling 'NULL' objects.EVL EVL2 EVL3 EVL<- NVL NVL2 NVL3 NVL<-
Evaluate a function once for a given input.once
Optionally test code depending on environment variable.opttest
Implement the 'sort' and 'order' methods for 'data.frame' and 'matrix', sorting it in lexicographic order.order order.default order.matrix
Concatenates the elements of a vector (optionaly enclosing them in quotation marks or parentheses) adding appropriate punctuation and conjunctions.paste.and
Evaluate an expression, restarting on errorpersistEval persistEvalQ
Pretty print the control listprint.control.list
Set the class of the control listset.control.class
Convert a list to an atomic vector if it consists solely of atomic elements of length 1.simplify_simple
Statnet Controlsnctrl
Helper functions used by packages to facilitate 'snctrl' updating.COLLATE_ALL_MY_CONTROLS_EXPR collate_controls snctrl-API snctrl_names UPDATE_MY_SCTRL_EXPR update_snctrl
A 'split()' method for 'array' and 'matrix' types on a margin.split.array split.matrix
Wrappers around matrix algebra functions that pre-_s_cale their argumentsginv_eigen sandwich_ssolve sginv snearPD srcond ssolve xTAx_qrssolve xTAx_seigen xTAx_ssolve
'CITATION' file utilities for Statnet packages (DEPRECATED)statnet.cite statnet.cite.foot statnet.cite.head statnet.cite.pkg
Construct a "standard" startup message to be printed when the package is loaded.statnetStartupMessage
Suptract a elements of a vector from respective columns of a matrixsweep_cols.matrix
A helper class for list of terms in an formulaas.term_list as.term_list.default as.term_list.term_list c.term_list print.term_list term_list [.term_list
Make a copy of an environment with just the selected objects.trim_env trim_env.default trim_env.environment
Extract or replace the _ult_imate (last) element of a vector or a list, or an element counting from the end.ult ult<-
An error handler for 'rlang::check_dots_used()' that issues a warning that only lists argument names.unused_dots_warning
Construct a logical vector with 'TRUE' in specified positions.unwhich
reorder vector v into order determined by matching the names of its elements to a vector of namesvector.namesmatch
A Welford accumulator for sample mean and varianceupdate.Welford Welford
A data matrix with row weightsas.linwmatrix as.linwmatrix.linwmatrix as.linwmatrix.logwmatrix as.linwmatrix.matrix as.logwmatrix as.logwmatrix.linwmatrix as.logwmatrix.logwmatrix as.logwmatrix.matrix compress_rows.linwmatrix compress_rows.logwmatrix decompress_rows.wmatrix is.linwmatrix is.logwmatrix is.wmatrix linwmatrix logwmatrix print.linwmatrix print.logwmatrix print.wmatrix wmatrix [.wmatrix [<-.wmatrix
Set or extract weighted matrix row weightslrowweights lrowweights.linwmatrix lrowweights.logwmatrix lrowweights<- lrowweights<-.linwmatrix lrowweights<-.logwmatrix lrowweights<-.matrix rowweights rowweights.linwmatrix rowweights.logwmatrix rowweights<- rowweights<-.linwmatrix rowweights<-.logwmatrix rowweights<-.matrix wmatrix_weights
Common quadratic formssandwich_solve xAxT xTAx xTAx_eigen xTAx_qrsolve xTAx_solve