Latent Order Logistic (LOLOG) models are a general framework for generative statistical modeling of graph datasets motivated by the principle of network growth. This class of models is fully general and terms modeling different important network features can be mixed and matched to provide a rich generative description of complex networks.
Networks tend to evolve over time. This evolution can take the form of the addition or deletion of a tie from the network, or the addition or deletion of a vertex. To motivate our model we consider a growth process, where each edge variable is sequentially considered for edge creation, and edges are not deleted.
In particular the lolog
package uses a vertex ordering
process for the motivating data generating process of the graph. For
some networks, it may be reasonable to posit that vertices entered the
network in some order that may or may not be random, and upon entering
the network, edge variables connecting them to vertices already in the
network are considered in a completely random order. The probability
that an ordering of edge variables (s) occurs is defined as p(s). The probability of a
tie, given the network grown up to a time-point is modeled as a logistic
regression logit(p(yst = 1|η, yt − 1, s ≤ t)) = θ ⋅ c(yst = 1|yt − 1, s ≤ t)
where s ≤ t is the
growth order of the network up to time t, yt − 1 is the
state of the graph at time t − 1. c(yst|yt − 1, s ≤ t)
is a vector representing the change in some graph statistics from time
t − 1 to t if an edge is present, and θ is a vector of parameters.
The full likelihood of an observed graph y given an order s is then just the product of these logistic likelihoods $$ p(y|s,\theta) = \prod_{t=1}^{n_d}p(y_{s_t}=1 | \eta, y^{t-1}, s_{ \leq t}), $$ and the marginal likelihood of an observed graph is the sum over all possible orderings p(y|θ) = ∑sp(y|s, θ)p(s).
Since the ordering of edge variable creation is rarely fully
observed, the goal of this package is to perform graph inference on this
marginal likelihood. This is done via Method of Moments, Generalized
Method of Moments, or variational inference. The following document will
show how this is operationalized within the lolog
This vignette is based on the vignette from the ergm
package, and is designed to give a working introduction to LOLOG
This vignette will utilize the statnet suite of packages for data and network manipulation. To install these:
To install the latest version of the package from CRAN (not yet available):
To install the latest development version from github run the following:
# If devtools is not installed:
# install.packages("devtools")
If this is your first R source package that you have installed,
you’ll also need a set of development tools. On Windows, download and
install Rtools, and
takes care of the rest. On a Mac, install the Xcode command line
tools. On Linux, install the R development package, usually called
or r-base-dev
. For details see Package
Development Prerequisites.
Make sure the lolog
package is attached:
The ergm
package contains several network data sets that
you can use for practice examples.
#data(package='ergm') # tells us the datasets in our packages
data(florentine) # loads flomarriage and flobusiness data
flomarriage # Let's look at the flomarriage data
#> Network attributes:
#> vertices = 16
#> directed = FALSE
#> hyper = FALSE
#> loops = FALSE
#> multiple = FALSE
#> bipartite = FALSE
#> total edges= 20
#> missing edges= 0
#> non-missing edges= 20
#> Vertex attribute names:
#> priorates totalties vertex.names wealth
#> No edge attributes
plot(flomarriage) # Let's view the flomarriage network
Networks tend to evolve over time. This evolution can take the form of the addition or deletion of a tie from the network, or the addition or deletion of a vertex. LOLOGs are motivated by a growth process, where each edge variable is sequentially considered for edge creation, and edges are not deleted.
Remember a LOLOG represents the probability of a tie, given the network grown up to a time-point as logit(p(yst = 1|η, yt − 1, s ≤ t)) = θ ⋅ c(yst = 1|yt − 1, s ≤ t) where s ≤ t is the growth order of the network up to time t, yt − 1 is the state of the graph at time t − 1. c(yst|yt − 1, s ≤ t) is a vector representing the change in graph statistics from time t − 1 to t if an edge is present, and θ is a vector of parameters.
We begin with the simplest possible model, the Bernoulli or Erdos-Renyi model, which contains only an edge term.
flomodel.01 <- lolog(flomarriage~edges) # fit model
#> Initializing Using Variational Fit
#> Model is dyad independent. Replications are redundant. Setting nReplicates <- 1L.
#> Model is dyad independent. Returning maximum likelihood estimate.
#> MLE Coefficients:
#> edges
#> -1.609438
summary(flomodel.01) # look in more depth
#> observed_statistics theta se pvalue
#> edges 20 -1.609438 0.2449451 0
How to interpret this model? The log-odds of any tie occurring is: $$ =-1.609\times\mbox{change in the number of ties} \\=-1.609\times1 $$ for all ties, since the addition of any tie to the network changes the number of ties by 1!
Corresponding probability is: exp (−1.609)/(1 + exp (−1.609)) = 0.1667 which is what you would expect, since there are 20/120 ties.
Let’s add a term often thought to be a measure of clustering: the number of completed triangles.
flomodel.02 <- lolog(flomarriage~edges()+triangles(), verbose=FALSE)
#> observed_statistics theta se pvalue
#> edges 20 -1.6244426 0.2557877 0.0000
#> triangles 3 0.1127843 0.7496755 0.8804
coef1 = flomodel.02$theta[1]
coef2 = flomodel.02$theta[2]
logodds = coef1 + c(0,1,2) * coef2
expit = function(x) 1/(1+exp(-x))
ps = expit(logodds)
coef1 = round(coef1, 3)
coef2 = round(coef2, 3)
logodds = round(logodds, 3)
ps = round(ps, 3)
Again, how to interpret coefficients?
Conditional log-odds of two actors forming a tie is: −1.624 × change in the number of ties + 0.113 × change in number of triangles
Let’s take a closer look at the lolog
object itself:
class(flomodel.02) # this has the class lolog
#> [1] "lologGmm" "lolog" "list"
names(flomodel.02) # let's look straight at the lolog obj.
#> [1] "method" "formula" "auxFromula" "theta"
#> [5] "stats" "estats" "auxStats" "obsStats"
#> [9] "targetStats" "obsModelStats" "net" "grad"
#> [13] "vcov" "likelihoodModel"
#> edges triangles
#> -1.6244426 0.1127843
#> flomarriage ~ edges() + triangles()
wealth <- flomarriage %v% 'wealth' # the %v% extracts vertex
wealth # attributes from a network
#> [1] 10 36 55 44 20 32 8 42 103 48 49 3 27 10 146 48
plot(flomarriage, vertex.cex=wealth/25) # network plot with vertex size
We can test whether edge probabilities are a function of wealth:
flomodel.03 <- lolog(flomarriage~edges+nodeCov('wealth'))
#> Initializing Using Variational Fit
#> Model is dyad independent. Replications are redundant. Setting nReplicates <- 1L.
#> Model is dyad independent. Returning maximum likelihood estimate.
#> observed_statistics theta se pvalue
#> edges 20 -2.59492903 0.536051763 0.0000
#> nodecov.wealth 2168 0.01054591 0.004674236 0.0241
Yes, there is a significant positive wealth effect on the probability of a tie.
We can test whether edge probabilities are a function of wealth:
wdiff<-outer(flomarriage %v% "wealth", flomarriage %v% "wealth",function(x,y){abs(x-y)>20})
#> wdiff
#> 110 146
flomodel.04 <- lolog(flomarriage~edges+nodeCov('wealth')+edgeCov(wdiff,"inequality"))
#> Initializing Using Variational Fit
#> Model is dyad independent. Replications are redundant. Setting nReplicates <- 1L.
#> Model is dyad independent. Returning maximum likelihood estimate.
#> observed_statistics theta se pvalue
#> edges 20 -3.5637462 0.798418212 0.0000
#> nodecov.wealth 2168 0.0065339 0.004749717 0.1689
#> edgeCov.inequality 18 1.7806414 0.791428126 0.0245
The inequality in wealth does seem to increase the probability of a tie.
Let’s try a model or two on:
Is there a statistically significant tendency for ties to be reciprocated (‘mutuality’)?
ls() # directed data: Sampson's Monks
#> [1] "coef1" "coef2" "expit" "fituk" "fitukErgm"
#> [6] "fitukInd" "flobusiness" "flomarriage" "flomodel.01" "flomodel.02"
#> [11] "flomodel.03" "flomodel.04" "g" "logodds" "ps"
#> [16] "samplk1" "samplk2" "samplk3" "ukFaculty" "wdiff"
#> [21] "wealth"
#> Network attributes:
#> vertices = 18
#> directed = TRUE
#> hyper = FALSE
#> loops = FALSE
#> multiple = FALSE
#> bipartite = FALSE
#> total edges= 56
#> missing edges= 0
#> non-missing edges= 56
#> Vertex attribute names:
#> cloisterville group vertex.names
#> No edge attributes
Let’s try a larger network. First we will fit a dyad independent model.
mesa <- faux.mesa.high
#> Network attributes:
#> vertices = 205
#> directed = FALSE
#> hyper = FALSE
#> loops = FALSE
#> multiple = FALSE
#> bipartite = FALSE
#> total edges= 203
#> missing edges= 0
#> non-missing edges= 203
#> Vertex attribute names:
#> Grade Race Sex
#> No edge attributes
plot(mesa, vertex.col='Grade')
mesa %v% "GradeCat" <- as.character(mesa %v% "Grade")
fauxmodel.01 <- lolog(mesa ~edges + nodeMatch('GradeCat') + nodeMatch('Race'))
#> Initializing Using Variational Fit
#> Model is dyad independent. Replications are redundant. Setting nReplicates <- 1L.
#> Model is dyad independent. Returning maximum likelihood estimate.
#> observed_statistics theta se pvalue
#> edges 203 -6.2254111 0.1737005 0.0000
#> nodematch.GradeCat 163 2.8278899 0.1773356 0.0000
#> nodematch.Race 103 0.4266748 0.1427599 0.0028
Now lets try adding in transitivity and 2-stars (a measure of degree spread)
# This may take a minute or two
fauxmodel.02 <- lolog(mesa ~edges + nodeMatch('GradeCat') + nodeMatch('Race') +
triangles + star(2), verbose=FALSE)
#> observed_statistics theta se pvalue
#> edges 203 -6.32079514 0.21210201 0.0000
#> nodematch.GradeCat 163 2.58941928 0.18965791 0.0000
#> nodematch.Race 103 0.41856980 0.16551282 0.0114
#> triangles 62 3.08610760 0.93477622 0.0010
#> star.2 659 0.02143984 0.04580018 0.6397
We see strong evidence of additional transitivity, but little
evidence that the degrees have higher spread than expected given the
other terms. With LOLOG models, we avoid some of the degeneracy problems
present in ERGM models. Let’s try the same model in
fauxmodel.01.ergm <- ergm(mesa ~edges + nodematch('GradeCat') + nodematch('Race') +
triangles + kstar(2))
#> Starting maximum pseudolikelihood estimation (MPLE):
#> Obtaining the responsible dyads.
#> Evaluating the predictor and response matrix.
#> Maximizing the pseudolikelihood.
#> Finished MPLE.
#> Starting Monte Carlo maximum likelihood estimation (MCMLE):
#> Iteration 1 of at most 60:
#> Warning in ergm_MCMC_sample(s, control, theta = mcmc.init, verbose =
#> max(verbose - : Unable to reach target effective size in iterations alotted.
#> 1
#> Optimizing with step length 0.0002.
#> The log-likelihood improved by 7.0247.
#> Estimating equations are not within tolerance region.
#> Iteration 2 of at most 60:
#> Error in ergm.MCMLE(init, s, s.obs, control = control, verbose = verbose, : Number of edges in a simulated network exceeds that in the observed by a factor of more than 20. This is a strong indicator of model degeneracy or a very poor starting parameter configuration. If you are reasonably certain that neither of these is the case, increase the MCMLE.density.guard control.ergm() parameter.
Of course it is highly recommended that you take great care in
selecting terms for use with ergm
for precisely the reason
that many can lead to model degeneracy. A much better choice here for
the ergm
model would have been to use gwesp
and gwdegree
in place of triangles
LOLOG models are motivated by a growth process where edge variables are “added” to the network one at a time. The package implements a sequential vetex ordering process. Specifically, vertices are “added” to the network in random order, and then edge variables connecting the added vertex to each other vertex already added are included in random order.
If you either observe or partially observe the inclusion order of vertices, this information can be included by specifying it in the model formula after a ‘|’ character. In this example we will consider the network relations of a group of partners at a law firm. We observe the senority of the partner, the type of practice and the office where they work. (cSenority and cPractice are just categorical versions of the numerically coded practice and senority variables). It is plausible to posit that partners with more senority entered the law firm and hense the network prior to less senior individuals.
seniority <- as.numeric(lazega %v% "seniority") # Lower values are more senior
fit <- lolog(lazega ~ edges() + triangles() + nodeCov("cSeniority") +
nodeCov("cPractice") + nodeMatch("gender") + nodeMatch("practice") +
nodeMatch("office") | seniority, verbose=FALSE)
#> observed_statistics theta se pvalue
#> edges 115 -7.65686016 1.08792056 0.0000
#> triangles 120 1.07482326 0.34713083 0.0020
#> nodecov.cSeniority 4687 0.02753248 0.01087131 0.0113
#> nodecov.cPractice 359 0.71717265 0.18201602 0.0001
#> nodematch.gender 99 1.15450694 0.43615660 0.0081
#> nodematch.practice 72 0.94950874 0.26174906 0.0003
#> 85 1.61124690 0.29398327 0.0000
In some cases only a partial ordering is observed. For example we might observed the month someone joined a group, with multiple individuals joining per month. When ties like this exist in the ordering variable, network simulations respect the partial ordering, with ties broken at random for each simulated network.
Model terms are the expressions (e.g., triangle
) used to
represent predictors on the right-hand size of equations used in:
(to estimate an LOLOG model)lolog
For a list of available terms that can be used to specify a LOLOG model, type:
This currently produces:
(dyad-independent) (order-independent) (directed)
(undirected)star(k, direction=1L)
(order-independent) (directed)
(order-independent) (directed)
(order-independent) (undirected)transitivity()
(order-independent) (undirected)mutual()
(order-independent) (directed)nodeCov(name)
(dyad-independent) (order-independent)
(directed) (undirected)nodeMatch(name)
(dyad-independent) (order-independent)
(directed) (undirected)nodeMix(name)
(dyad-independent) (order-independent)
(directed) (undirected)edgeCov(x)
(dyad-independent) (order-independent)
(directed) (undirected)edgeCovSparse(x)
(dyad-independent) (order-independent)
(directed) (undirected)degree(d, direction=0L, lessThanOrEqual=FALSE)
(order-independent) (directed) (undirected)degreeCrossProd()
(order-independent) (undirected)gwdsp(alpha)
(order-independent) (directed)
(order-independent) (directed)
(undirected)gwdegree(alpha, direction=0L)
(directed) (undirected)esp(d)
(order-independent) (directed) (undirected)geoDist(long, lat, distCuts=Inf)
(order-independent) (undirected)dist(names
(dyad-independent) (order-independent)
(order-independent) (directed)
(undirected)Full details on coding new terms is beyond the scope of this
document. However, lolog
provides facilities for extending
the package to provide new terms. An example of this can be created
and then at the command prompt, run
A new package will be installed implementing the minDegree (minimum degree) statistic.
Alternatively, C++ extensions can be added directly from R without
the need of any package infrastructure via the inlining features of the
Rcpp package. lolog
provides an inline plugin for this
feature. For details, see
Network Statistics can be calculated using the calculateStatistics function
calculateStatistics(mesa ~ edges + triangles + degree(0:15))
#> edges triangles degree.0 degree.1 degree.2 degree.3 degree.4 degree.5
#> 203 62 57 51 30 28 18 10
#> degree.6 degree.7 degree.8 degree.9 degree.10 degree.11 degree.12 degree.13
#> 2 4 1 2 1 0 0 1
#> degree.14 degree.15
#> 0 0
Simulating from a fitted lolog
object with
Voila. Of course, networks that you generate will look somewhat
different. Note that the objects created are BinaryNet
objects unless the convert parameter is set to TRUE, in which case they
are network
s are network data structures native to the
package. They are special in a couple ways. First,
they have a sparse representation of missingness, such that a directed
network where halve of the nodes have been egocentrically sampled takes
the same amount of space as a simple fully observed network. Secondly,
they may be passed up and down easily from R to C++ and vis a versa.
Finally, they are extensible on the C++ level, so that their
implementation may be replaced. For example, it might be useful to put
in a file backed storage system for large problems.
s can be coerced to and from
net <- as.BinaryNet(samplike)
nw2 <-
#dyad Extraction
#dyad assignment
net[1,1:5] <- rep(NA,5)
net[1:2,1:5,maskMissing=FALSE] #remove the mask over missing values and see
#nothing was really changed
#node variables
net[["rnorm"]] <- rnorm(18)
#See available methods
All user facing functions in the lolog
package accept
s as arguments, and will convert
, igraph
and tidygraph
graph objects to BinaryNet
s automatically.
LOLOG allows for network statistics that depend not just on the
network, but also the (unobserved) order in which dyads were ‘added’ to
the network. One model of this class is Barabasi-Albert preferential
attachment model, which is closely approximated by a LOLOG model with an
edges and preferentialAttachment
For each order dependent statistic, one or more order independent statistics must be specified as moment matching targets. In this case, we will use a two-star term:
LOLOGs are generative models - that is, they represent the process that governs tie formation at a local level. These local processes in turn aggregate up to produce characteristic global network properties, even though these global properties are not explicit terms in the model. One test of whether a model “fits the data” is therefore how well it reproduces these global properties. We do this by choosing a network statistic that is not in the model, and comparing the value of this statistic observed in the original network to the distribution of values we get in simulated networks from our model.
We begin by comparing the degree structure of simulated networks compared to the observed ()
gdeg <- gofit(flomodel.03, flomarriage ~ degree(0:10))
#> obs min mean max pvalue
#> degree.0 1 0 1.47 5 0.6598662
#> degree.1 4 1 3.25 8 0.6465011
#> degree.2 2 0 4.10 9 0.2619950
#> degree.3 6 0 3.43 8 0.1213748
#> degree.4 2 0 2.25 6 0.8619925
#> degree.5 0 0 0.90 3 0.3256436
#> degree.6 1 0 0.38 2 0.3009048
#> degree.7 0 0 0.13 1 0.7005204
#> degree.8 0 0 0.05 1 0.8194396
#> degree.9 0 0 0.03 1 0.8610941
#> degree.10 0 0 0.01 1 0.9203443
Next we can look at the edgewise shared partner distribution in simulated networks compared with the observed distribution ()