title: ERGMs for Rank-Order Relational Data
author: "Pavel N. Krivitsky, Carter T. Butts, and the Statnet Team"
vignette: >
%\VignetteIndexEntry{ERGMs for Rank-Order Relational Data}
bibliography: valued.bib
```{r setup, include = FALSE}
\def\nactors{ n }
\def\nnatpar{ p }
\def\latdim{ d }
\def\ncurvpar{ q }
\def\maxdyadvals{ s }
\def\Borel{ \mathfrak{B} }
\newcommand{\EN}[3]{\left#1 #3 \right#2}
\newcommand{\en}[3]{#1 #3 #2}
\binrel@@{\mathop{\kern\z@#3}\limits^{\vbox to #1\ex@{\kern-\tw@\ex@
\hbox{\scriptsize #2}\vss}}}}
\newcommand{\egopref}[4]{#1_{#2:\,#3\succ #4}}
\newcommand{\condind}[3]{#1 \indep #2 \,|\, #3}
\newcommand{\coef}[2]{$#1$ $(#2)$}
\newcommand{\scoef}[2]{$\mathbf{#1}$ $(#2)$}
## Coverage
This vignette covers modelling of rank-order relational data in the `ergm` framework. The reader is strongly encouraged to first work through the vignette on valued ERGMs in the `ergm.count` package and read the article by @KrBu12e.
## Modeling ordinal relational data using `ergm.rank`
Note that the implementations so far are *very* slow, so we will only do a short example.
### References
Suppose that we reprsent ranking (or ordinal rating) of $j$ by $i$ by the value of $\yij$. What reference can we use for ranks?
```{r eval=FALSE}
help("ergm-references", "ergm.rank")
### Terms
For details, see @KrBu12e. It's not meaningful to
* compare ranks across different egos.
* take rank difference within an ego.
The only thing we are allowed to do is to ask if $i$ has ranked $j$ over $k$.
Therefore, ordinal relational data call for their own sufficient statistics. These will depend on
1 & \text{if $j\stackrel{i}{\succ}k$ i.e., $i$ ranks $j$ above $k$;} \\
0 & \text{otherwise.}
We may interpret them using the *promotion statistic*
$$\ipromotejv \genstats(\y)\equiv \genstats(\egoswapr{\y}{i}{j}{\jplus})-\genstats(\y).$$
Let $\distuples{k}$ be the set of possible $k$-tuples of actor indices where no actors are repeated. Then,
* **`rank.deference`: *Deference (aversion)*:** Measures the amount of "deference" in the network: configurations where an ego $i$ ranks an alter $j$ over another alter $k$, but $j$, in turn, ranks $k$ over $i$:
$$ \genstat{D}(\y) = \sum_{(i,j,\l)\in \distuples{3}} \ypref{\l}{j}{i}\ypref{i}{\l}{j} $$
$$ \ipromotej \genstat{D}(\y) = 2\en(){\ypref{\jplus}{i}{j}+\ypref{j}{\jplus}{i} - 1}. $$
A lower-than-chance
value of this statistic and/or a negative coefficient implies a form
of mutuality in the network.
* **`rank.edgecov(x, attrname)`: *Dyadic covariates*:** Models the effect of a dyadic covariate on the propensity of an ego $i$ to rank alter $j$ highly:
$$ \genstat{A}(\y;\covariate) = \sum_{(i,j,k)\in \distuples{3}} \ypref{i}{j}{k}(\covariate_j-\covariate_k).$$
$$ \ipromotej \genstat{A}(\y;\covariate)= 2(\covariate_{j}-\covariate_{\jplus}),$$
See the `?rank.edgecov` ERGM term documentation for arguments.
* **`rank.inconsistency(x, attrname, weights, wtname, wtcenter)`: *(Weighted) Inconsistency*:**
Measures the amount of disagreement between rankings of the focus
network and a fixed covariate network `x`, by couting the number of pairwise
comparisons for which the two networks disagree. `x` can be a `network` with an edge
attribute `attrname` containing the ranks or a matrix of
appropriate dimension containing the ranks. If `x` is not
given, it defaults to the LHS network, and if `attrname` is
not given, it defaults to the `response` edge attribute.
$$\genstat{I}(\y;\y') = \sum_{(i,j,k)\in\distuples{3}_s} \left[ \ypref{i}{j}{k}\en(){1-\egopref{\y'}{i}{j}{k}} + \left(1-\ypref{i}{j}{k}\right) \egopref{\y'}{i}{j}{k} \right],$$
with promotion statistic being simply
$$ \ipromotej \genstat{I}(\y;\y') = 2(\egopref{\y'}{i}{\jplus}{j}-\egopref{\y'}{i}{j}{\jplus}).$$
Optionally, the count can be weighted by the `weights`
argument, which can be either a 3D $n\times n\times n$-array
whose $(i,j,k)$th element gives the weight for the
comparison by $i$ of $j$ and $k$ or a function taking
three arguments, $i$, $j$, and $k$, and returning
the weight of this comparison. If `wtcenter=TRUE`, the
calculated weights will be centered around their
mean. `wtname` can be used to label this term.
* **`rank.nodeicov(attrname, transform, transformname)`: *Attractiveness/Popularity covariates*:** Models the effect of a nodal covariate on the propensity of an
actor to be ranked highly by the others.
$$ \genstat{A}(\y;\covariate) = \sum_{(i,j,k)\in \distuples{3}} \ypref{i}{j}{k}(\covariate_j-\covariate_k).$$
$$ \ipromotej \genstat{A}(\y;\covariate)= 2(\covariate_{j}-\covariate_{\jplus}), $$
See the `?nodeicov` ERGM term documentation for arguments.
* **`rank.nonconformity(to, par)`: *Nonconformity*:**
Measures the amount of ``nonconformity'' in the network: configurations where an ego
$i$ ranks an alter $j$ over another alter $k$, but
ego $l$ ranks $k$ over $j$.
This statistic has an argument `to`, which controls
to whom an ego may conform:
+ **`"all"` (the default)** Nonconformity to all
egos is counted:
$$ \genstat{GNC}(\y) = \sum_{(i,j,k,\l)\in \distuples{4}}\ypref{\l}{j}{k}\left(1-\ypref{i}{j}{k}\right) $$
$$ \ipromotej \genstat{GNC}(\y) = 2\sum_{\l \in \actorsnot{i,j,\jplus}}\en(){\ypref{\l}{\jplus}{j}-\ypref{\l}{j}{\jplus}}. $$
A lower-than-chance
value of this statistic and/or a negative coefficient implies a
degree of consensus in the network.
+ **`"localAND"` (*Local nonconformity*)**
Nonconformity of $i$ to ego $l$ regarding the relative ranking
of $j$ and $k$ is only counted if $i$ ranks $l$
over both $j$ and $k$:
$$\genstat{LNC}(\y) = \sum_{(i,j,k,\l)\in \distuples{4}} \ypref{i}{\l}{j} \ypref{i}{\l}{k} \ypref{\l}{j}{k} (1-\ypref{i}{j}{k})$$
\ipromotej \genstat{LNC}(\y)=\sum_{k\in \actorsnot{i,j,\jplus}}(& \ypref{i}{k}{\jplus}\ypref{k}{\jplus}{j}-\ypref{i}{k}{\jplus}\ypref{k}{j}{\jplus}\\
\vphantom{\sum_{k\in \actorsnot{i,j,\jplus}}}&+\ypref{k}{i}{\jplus}\ypref{k}{\jplus}{j}-\ypref{k}{i}{j}\ypref{k}{j}{\jplus}\\
\vphantom{\sum_{k\in \actorsnot{i,j,\jplus}}}&+\ypref{j}{k}{\jplus}\ypref{i}{\jplus}{k}-\ypref{\jplus}{k}{j}\ypref{i}{j}{k}).
A lower-than-chance
value of this statistic and/or a negative coefficient implies a
form of hierarchical transitivity in the network.
### Example
Consider the Newcomb's fraternity data:
```{r collapse=TRUE}
as.matrix(newcomb[[1]], attrname="rank")
as.matrix(newcomb[[1]], attrname="descrank")
Let's fit a model for the two types of nonconformity and deference at the first time point:
```{r results="hide"}
newc.fit1<- ergm(newcomb[[1]]~rank.nonconformity+rank.nonconformity("localAND")+rank.deference,response="descrank",reference=~CompleteOrder,control=control.ergm(MCMC.burnin=4096, MCMC.interval=32, CD.conv.min.pval=0.05),eval.loglik=FALSE)
```{r collapse=TRUE}
Check diagnostics:
```{r results="hide", fig.show="hide"}
```{r results="hide"}
newc.fit15 <- ergm(newcomb[[15]]~rank.nonconformity+rank.nonconformity("localAND")+rank.deference,response="descrank",reference=~CompleteOrder,control=control.ergm(MCMC.burnin=4096, MCMC.interval=32, CD.conv.min.pval=0.05),eval.loglik=FALSE)
```{r collapse=TRUE}
Check diagnostics:
```{r results="hide", fig.show="hide"}
## References